
Web application developer
Seneca CPA 2024(Present)
Juno web Bootcamp 2020
Active job seeker
Welcome to my portfolio! 😄 My site was designed as a project during Juno College's Immersive Web Development program. I have a background in electrical engineering from Dalhousie University and recently graduated from the Computer Programming & Analysis (CPA) program at Seneca Polytechnic.
I'm easily motivated by anything delicious! 🍔🍕🍣🍜🥘🍱🍛🌮😁
C/C++ | HTML | CSS | Javascript | React | Bootstrap | SQL | MongoDB | Angular | SoapUI | Java | GraphQL | Spring Boot

Prototype music web
Design Doc & GithubForgotten Hymns
Music store website. A teamwork project done within a limited of time. create by Victor & Kent.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Link Web
RPG turn based game
Design Doc & GithubAtlan Adventure
A RPG turn-based Game Project. A knight adventure and build up your character.
React.js | React-Redux | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery
Link Web
Prototype Restaurant web
Design Doc & GithubHappi Restaurant
A prototype restaurant website for advertisement. Reservation system is connect to Firebase.
React.js | CSS | JavaScript | Firebase
Link Web
Prototype web game
Design Doc & GithubMaster Mind (Mini)
A prototype website game inspired by Operation: Tango, mainly focus on Javascript
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Link Web
Project team in Juno College
Design Doc & GithubQuestion Impossible
A game idea from Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? Featuring unique categories and questions.
HTML | SCSS | JavaScript
Link Web
Project in Juno College
Design Doc & GithubPokémon Battle
Choose your favourite Pokémon and challenge gym leaders to collect all eight badges. Inspired by Pokémon yellow.
HTML | JavaScript | API
Link Web
Project team in Juno College
Design Doc & GithubPodcast Commuter
An app that suggests a podcast to listen to based on the length of your journey and helps you decide if you should walk or bike.
React.js | API | CSS
Link Web
Freelancer Project
Design Doc & Githubblees ai
Freelancer project to complete a website from a company. Follow up milestone and reflect with a reference / feedback form from client.
Angular | JavaScript | CSS
Link Web